Thursday, October 27, 2016


Ever wondered how much work goes into building a new kitchen, or what is involved in beginning a food business from home? I'm going to be sharing the step-by-step stages of planning, approving, buying and assembling/installing our new commercial kitchen at Food Preserving HQ (Western Australia). We're removing the old (small) kitchen and building the new kitchen ourselves, including the tiling and painting - everything except for the plumbing and electrical work - and getting it approved through our local council to make and sell homemade jam (and begin teaching small food preserving classes here once everything is completed by early 2017).

New kitchen update: after submitting the building application to our local council, we were notified that one of the previous homeowners removed the wall between the family room and kitchen without council approval. This is a requirement for us to build a new commercial kitchen, so I am now organising a structural engineering company to check over the current kitchen ceiling to ensure it is structurally sound before we continue with the other measurements needed in our building application with the council (they emailed a list of measurements for us to send back, the building officer was so helpful!)
Photocopying: $1.50
Structural Engineering Inspection Fee: TBC
Kitchen cost so far: $310.15 (plus structural engineering inspection fee)

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